A cozy home setting with a decorative ceramic house next to a stack of books organized meticulously, displaying "home sweet home" printed on their spines, complemented by a rustic vase with dried flowers in

As a busy Mum of 5, I had used cleaning services in my own home on and off over the years. However none quite hit the mark. 

In my experience,  most were generic and took a  “one size fits all” approach. But one size doesn’t fit all. Every family has different needs and wants. 

I also struggled to  find a service that stepped outside the norm and could provide support for tasks that actually reduced my mental load. Tasks that we do every day, or every week that never seem to go away. 

Laundry baskets that are always full with clothes to be washed, and hung out to dry. Then when that’s done, the baskets of washing that need to be folded and put away. 

Meal planning, grocery shopping, changing the sheets, dishes…. and the list goes on.

Alice from “The Brady Bunch” was who I needed in my life.

An illustration of a home assistant printed on textured paper, lying on a wooden surface next to a few sprigs of dried plants.

In 2019, I found myself unexpectedly transitioning  from a married Mum of 5, to a single Mum of 5.

Having been a stay at home Mum for most of my children’s lives, I now needed to provide an income whilst juggling full time care of my children.

The catch was, I didn’t have time to develop new skills through study,  I needed to make money today. I also valued being available for my family - to be there for the special moments like being a parent helper in my kid’s classrooms, school awards and sports days.

So what job could I do that didn’t require new skills, and allowed me to have a flexible schedule? Let’s just say, there weren’t many options.

A smiling woman presenting a tray of delicious brownies in a cozy room adorned with picture frames, reflecting her skills in housekeeping.

Fortunately, I was raised by the original House Mum. My Mum had us folding washing, making beds, baking and washing dishes from a young age. I didn’t realise it at the time, but she was actually giving me valuable life skills that would one day change my life.

I decided to take these skills, and create a cleaning service with a twist. A service that was personalised just for your family. A service where your needs and wants were heard, and a service that was flexible.

Quite simply, I wanted to be “the other Mum” in your life, to be that extra pair of hands we all need, and so, House Mum was born.

Imagine coming home from your busy day, to the smell of dinner cooking away in the slow cooker,

the breakfast dishes you didn’t have time to wash before you left have been cleaned and put away,

the toast crumbs that covered the bench and dining table have been wiped up,

the couch cushions that were on the floor when you left for work that morning have been put back in their place,

the beds have been made and the washing folded.

Would this feel like a dream?

This is what the House Mum service is.